台北    121E31, 25N02

墨爾本 144E58, 37S50


是多少個 A Thousand Miles?

可惜搭飛機的時間不是聽七次A Thousand Miles就能到的....

A Thousand Miles(千里迢迢) /Vanessa Carlton

Making my way downtown Walking fast
Faces passed And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead Just making my way
Making my way Through the crowd

And I need you And I miss you And now I wonder....

If I could fall Into the sky
Do you think time Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk A thousand miles
If I could Just see you Tonight

It's always times like these When I think of you And I wonder
If you ever Think of me

'Cause everything's so wrong And I don't belong
Living in your Precious memories

'Cause I need youAnd I miss youAnd now I wonder....

If I could fall Into the sky
Do you think time Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk A thousand miles
If I could Just see you Tonight

And I, I Don't want to let you know
I, I Drown in your memory
I, I Don't want to let this go
I, I Don't....

Making my way downtown Walking fast
Faces passed And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead Just making my way
Making my way Through the crowd

And I still need you
And I still miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall Into the sky
Do you think time Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk A thousand miles
If I could Just see you ...

If I could fall Into the sky
Do you think time Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk A thousand miles
If I could Just see you ...
If I could Just hold you Tonight


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